If you care about Horbury, we’d love to hear from you! We are keen to recruit new members who can support our efforts to make Horbury and even better place in which to live or work.
Membership is open to any individual or organisation who shares our aims and the more members we have, the more we can do!
The Society relies to a large extent on membership subscriptions for its income and that membership income is vital if we are to continue as a community-based organisation. Even if you cannot get closely involved in running the Society, do please join us as a member and sign up to paying an annual subscription. The rates are very modest – just £10 per year for an individual (only £8 if you are retired or unwaged) and £75 for local businesses and other organisations.
As a member, you will be invited to participate in our events and activities as you wish; there is no obligation to commit time or effort but if you can support us in practical ways then we will be very pleased to hear from you.
Of course, if yo do want to get really involved, you can join the committee (committee members are usually elected at our Annual General Meeting but can be co-opted at any time throughout the year). Do get in touch with us if this is something that appeals to you and we will be happy to give you more information.
You can download a membership form here:
Horbury Civic Society Membership Form 2019
We also have a corporate membership scheme for local businesses
Hcs Corporate Membership Application Form
Please read our Privacy Policy. This explains how we deal with your data
Horbury Civic Society New Privacy Policy – Existing Members
© 2019 Horbury Civic Society.
Registered Charity Number: 255238