Local Heritage Lists are a means for the community and their local planning authority to jointly identify heritage assets that are valued as distinctive elements of the local identity of a place. Locally listing a heritage asset does not bring additional consent requirements over and above those already required for planning permission; it can, however, help to inform planning decisions in a way that protects, conserves and enhances local character and identity.
Horbury currently has 24 Listed Buildings and 37 Local Listings. The Listed Building locations are shown on the following link :
Within the district are buildings, or other assets such as a park, a garden, a post box, or a telephone box, which are not on the statutory list of Listed Buildings and may not be in Conservation Areas but are of local significance and need to be identified as such, and protected because of their local interest, distinctiveness, and value to the community. The formal expectation is that nominations should meet one of the following criteria: quality of architecture, rarity, archaeological interest, historic interest, artistic merit, contribution to the character of Horbury, and importance to the community.
The Civic Society needs to find out what local heritage assets are considered to be most valuable, and with this questionnaire, we are asking local people to nominate buildings or other structures that are not on the current list (see above). Following this consultation, we will discuss the gathered suggestions with our planning authority (Wakefield Council) and see if our Local List can accept some or all of the new nominations.
Please be aware that it is the local planning authority (Wakefield MDC) that makes the decision on what to include on the list. The Horbury Civic Society can make recommendations to the Council but we cannot guarantee that our recommendations will be accepted